The Flower Hub at Pauntley represents a collective of independent flower
growers based around Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Monmouthshire.
Its purpose is to facilitate the supply of seasonal, British-grown cut flowers to local
florists, and to increase the volume of that supply so as to offer a viable, more sustainable
alternative to imported wholesale flowers.
The Hub is also a move to protect diversity in our floral community, and give smaller
businesses a stake in markets they might otherwise be excluded from
Caring for the
All flowers sold through the hub are grown
according to organic principles, and are processed,
packaged and transported in such a way as to
minimise their environmental impact. Our growers
adhere to standard (and rigorous) quality controls,
but are also keen to build personal relationships
with customers, and provide a service that leaves
room for their individual requirements.
A local network
of specialists
We want to make the experience of sourcing
local flowers as easy and efficient as possible, in
a way that supports - even inspires - the creative process and celebrates the natural beauty
of our products. Equally, we want to foster
a culture of respect and trust for British cut
flowers, and help to normalise their use within
contemporary British floristry.